Danny was playing catch with a football in our backyard with a few neighbors of ours. As he was running for a pass (in jeans and no shoes), the poor man tripped over a depression in the yard, lost his footing and fell/ran into our swing set. Let's do the math....Danny 6'8" and 175lbs.....Swing set....8'4" and 800lbs. Guess who won that battle? Yep, the swing set didn't move but Danny's collarbone did. Like the real man that I married, he knew not to complain too bad and to tough it out to make sure he was really hurt before asking me to take him to the hospital. A few hours after the incident we were on our way to the emergency room. Due to the curious nature of our 4 year old, we called a sitter for the baby and took Hunter with us so he could see a hospital. He had been in one when I delivered his brother but a recovery room just isn't the same.
I was so impressed with the hospital near us. After the initial check in, we waited 5 minutes before they were calling us back. They checked Danny's blood pressure and the sweet nurse was so helpful after I explained what the band on Daddy's arm did. Hunter then informed her that his Daddy needed an X-ray with the machine to see his bones. I'm sure he heard me say it in passing to his father but the nurse was so impressed with our little man. We moved onto the next waiting area and I gave more detailed information while Danny got a pain pill and his X-ray. After being told it was just a bruise, I was relieved...until the doctor came back not 10 minutes later and told us that Danny's collarbone was indeed broken. We got him in a sling, got the name of an orthopedic surgeon and were on our way home in less than 45 minutes from when we walked through the doors of the hospital.
For having to go to an emergency room, it was a pretty pleasant experience, not that I'd ever want to live through that again but at least it's over with. Now lets hope my boys don't put me through worse over the next several years.