Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Growing up too Fast

This morning I was woken up by the bus driver in our neighborhood poking her head through my front door and letting me know that my son had been chasing the bus because he needed to go to school and she was returning him. What is it about this kid that makes him think he can just leave the house! He was fully dressed, shoes and everything and carrying his back pack. Thankfully, the bus stop is right in front of our house so he didn't run far but after finally waking all the way up I was all kinds of freaked out. I sat him down and tried to have a talk with him about staying inside until I wake up. Then I got on the computer and started looking at schools in our area but the truth is, I don't want him to go to school yet. He's learning plenty at home and gets lots of interaction with other children so I will happily have him around until Kindergarten starts. Why oh why does he want to grow up so fast! I guess I really do have to buy those door alarms.
On a happier note, this morning was day 2 in a row that he didn't wear a pull-up to bed and didn't have an accident! We've sporadically forgotten his night time pants over the last few weeks and he hasn't wet the bed so I thought we'd give it a try and see how he does. I couldn't be more proud of this kid. He may not have started potty training until he was 3 but now that he's ready, he's going to go all the way with it. Go Hunter!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I Want to Have Christmas

I was woken up this morning with the sole request "I want to have Christmas Mommy!" What do you say to that? Especially in the middle of April? I had to explain to him that it only happens once a year and in the winter and since it was no longer cold, we had to wait. He nodded his head but I heard him muttering "Jingle Bells" under his breath while walking away from me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

He's Here!

Welcome to the world Baby Grayson! Our sweet little man decided to come into our family on March 23rd at 3:37pm. I woke up at 7am feeling a little strange but not having contractions. By 10am I was sure that I was in labor and started making all of the arrangements for child care and packing the last few items in my bag while hanging out with Hunter the best I could to get those last few single child moments with him. I told my mom to get in the car and come on up because it was time. Danny finally woke up just after noon and made us lunch and loaded the car up. By 2pm, my contractions were 3 minutes apart so we hit the road and were on our way to the hospital. After a very intense trip in the car, we arrive at Northside at 2:30pm and began the check in process. I wasn't feeling too bad besides just having contractions so I was texting everyone and letting people know I was in the hospital. By then I was 1.5 minutes apart and feeling the baby move down. They didn't have a room ready for us right away (which completely freaked me out) but that only lasted a minute as we were whisked to our lovely birthing suite. Now, when I delivered Hunter the room was mediocre and I spent a solid day in labor in that room. With Grayson we got the most awesome room with a tub and lots of room to walk around. I got hooked up to the monitor and went through all of my check in questions and felt like everything was happening really fast. I asked the nurse to take a look and see how we were progressing and was devastated to hear that I was only 5 cm dialated at 3pm. By this time I was contracting every minute and really feeling the baby move down but at 5 cm, I knew we'd be there for a few more hours. Around 3:30 I got up to use the bathroom and to my surprise, my water broke! Let me tell ya, that feels awesome! What I wasn't expecting to feel was half of Grayson's head to come out. The nurse came in to help me after I pitifully told her about the water and the look on her face was priceless as she tried to get me back into bed because I didn't want to have my baby in the toilet. What? I was just 5 cm 30 minutes ago! I walked back into the room and began climbing into bed when another contraction hit and the rest of his head came out! The nurse started calmly pushing buttons and asking for help as she forcefully encouraged Danny to get me back into bed (I'm totally down playing all of this, it was a completely crazy few minutes). The rest of the available nursing staff rushed in as I got on my back and got prepared to have my son. Can you believe those insane (albeit lovely) women told me not to push? Yeah right! Once it starts, it's not going to stop, don't tell me little breaths and to wait for the doctor, someone catch! A few pushes and 6 minutes after my water had broken, Grayson was out and getting cleaned up while I sat there with a dazed look on my face asking if it was really over. After the marathon labor with Hunter, 7 hours was nothing and I didn't know what to do with myself. We both got cleaned up and I was transferred to my room while Gray had to visit the NICU to make sure he hadn't aspirated any meconium. I sent out the next rounds of text messages to let everyone know I had the baby and was sad to tell my mom that she hadn't made it in time. She was very happy I was able to get my birth over quickly as much as she wanted to be there but she showed up just in time for Grayson to be delivered to my room. He is a strong little man and nursed wonderfully and has the sweetest little cry. I'm so thankful to have him in my family.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thank You for the Spoiling!

This past weekend I got to have my first baby shower! Since I was pregnant with Hunter during my engagement/early marriage and didn't have any married or mommy friends yet, I didn't have a baby shower. My awesome friends at the time threw me a baby/wedding shower but its just not the same, you know? This time my mom and sister and her kids came and threw me a big bash. I got to have a house full of women and children spoil me and wish all the best with my new little man. We got SO many diapers that were very needed and appreciated as well as wipes and cute little outfits. My aunt and cousin came from Pensacola and my friend Rachael flew in from New Jersey (well, she had 2 showers that day since another good friend of mine and I are due a week apart). I felt so honored and loved to have these people in my life!