Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ready to Go Yet?

We are constantly looking for new places to hang out with Hunter. Especially now that the seasons have changed and we can be outside for longer periods of time, I feel so bad for the winters that he has to stay indoors (until we relocate to Florida!) that I usually comply and let the boy do what he wants.
Danny, Super and I were out driving one weekend and came across a great new park! It is a 5 minute drive from our home so we played for a while and left. A few days later I thought it would be fun to go again and get rid of some much needed stress after the challenging days following MIL Sue's heart surgery.
Little did I know it was going to be the longest park experience of my existence. We left as soon as I got home from work, so excited to get some sun shine and fresh air.......THREE AND A HALF HOURS LATER I was hot, sweaty and my feet hurt but the little ball of energy that is my son was still trucking along like we had just gotten there.
Finally I put my foot down and I dragged him to the car, kicking and screaming (really, how does he find the energy?) to the car so I could take him home and feed him.
Check this place out! It's called Taylor Brawner Park and it's on S. Atlanta Rd. It's on the same property as a behavioral center but they did a great job with this place. Kids can ride their bikes, there are bench swings and lots of slides.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Condiments...The 5th Food Group

I'm a girl that loves her food and I've tried to pass that love along to my son. Ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc all have their places in my palate happiness but Super has taken the love to a whole new level. French fries are just the utensil to bring the ketchup to his mouth, the hot dog transports the mustard and if there is a spoon and Ranch dressing...why eat the salad? It's fun to watch him chow down several ounces of hummus with one carrot and ask for more. Now I understand why mothers get so frustrated at their childrens food choices...they don't want to actually eat the food, they just want the condiments!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


As Super gets older, he is more aware of what's around him. He loves bath time (most of the time), especially when we mention bubbles. Now he knows the difference between a shower and a bath but he likes both. When we plug up the bath but run the shower he couldn't be happier. Apparently its like a pool with a waterfall like we saw at Aquatica. At the park he was constantly going for the waterfalls until he realized that the water there was heavy and could randomly splash down upon you. He also realizes that it doesn't hurt so much when it comes from the indoor waterfall. So now when he feels dirty, he grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom..."Showerbath, showerbath!"

Friday, April 3, 2009


While at my parents house in FL, Super got his fill of activity.  One of his favorites though is coloring, on anything, with anything that can make a mark. Well, she is smart and stocked up on paper, markers and pencils to keep him in one place.  He got a few marks on the kitchen table but was pretty neat considering we spent a full week there.  On one page of his scribbles, my mom noticed something that was intentionally drawn there. It was a smiley face!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We finally went!  Our first experience at this water park was a good one too.   I learned so much, including I don't much like
Super at water parks. Even in a life vest he still insists on clinging to my head if the water is too deep for him to stand in.
I will say, I don't like those life vests. They do their job and keep kids from drowning, and with all the activity there I can
see the NEED but Super has never been comfortable in one. He fought my mother to the point that she had to pin him to the
ground to get it on. But once he learned that he could go in the water only when it was on, then it was a fight to take it off him!
Like other non-Floridians, we both got sunburns but not to the point of extreme pain. It gave Super a new appreciation for lotion
that I'm more than happy to support. Towards the end of our day, my mom saw how burned Hunters head had gotten and smeared him in
zinc oxide that took 3 washes to get out. I actually kind of liked it and could do funky things with his hair.
But on the brighter side...Super loved the slides. There were a few he could go on his own but one used a tube. We went on that one
at least a dozen times together. My little boy had a hard time with waiting in lines (hmmm, sound familiar?) but eventually he got the
point that mommy would take him down the slide if he didn't throw a fit. I actually really liked that slide too. Its a kids ride so it
isn't super thrilling but the line is short if not non existent and its a quick little thrill, especially watching my sons face.
I'll admit I didn't spend that much time with him because I wanted to go on the adult rides. I was with my younger sister and we had
a blast. There is one slide that is like a toilet bowl. You go down this slide and it shoots you out into a large round bowl where you
circle a few times before you drop back through another tube that takes you back to the lazy river. So fun! They have all kinds of
rides there that put you in total darkness or where you go down head first and scream without the ones that make your bathing suit stick
up your tush or expose you in any way. Getting out of the park was diffi
cult with my poor struggling, crying child
but 5 hrs there was enough and now we can't wait to go back!

Farewell More Friends

They are dropping like flies. In less than a month 2 of Hunter's best friends have moved and we're devastated. Goodbye good friends that were there for us through so much. We will miss you more than you will ever know!