Friday, May 13, 2011

Visiting With Grandma Part 2

Another wonderful perk to having my mom come and visit (aside from the large amounts of cooking I don't have to do) is that she is so helpful with those things that I love to do but have no energy to accomplish while knocked up. This year I wasn't planning on doing a garden because the thought of planting it made me want to take a nap. She was kind enough to bring us a few larger containers so we can continue our love of growing without all the digging in the ground. We planted green beans, cucumbers and tomatoes....well, Hunter and Grandma did all the planting. I watched from the cool, air conditioned house and sipped on some ice water.

I also love that after all the hard work, she still had the energy to go shopping with me. I miss having the time to go out, without the kids, take my time trying on shoes and clothes with no one yelling at me. It's been too long since I've had the luxury of having a grown up help me with sizes and give me opinions. Even though she rolled her eyes at me as I lingered over the jewelry, she at least didn't throw a tantrum and complained loudly that she was bored. I had such a good time with my mom and I can't wait to see her again when this child is born.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Visiting With Grandma in the City

Recently my mom came to visit with us while attending a massage conference in the city. The first night we managed to stay up until 5am just chatting away. It was pretty tough to recover from so we spent the next few days pretty tired but had lots of fun anyway.
On one of the days she had to go to the conference, Hunter and I decided to take the train into the city to visit with her afterwards. He loves the train and everything about fast it goes, the fact that I bring great snacks, even swiping the card to make the gates open. We rode down to the Phillips Arena stop where we met my mom and took off for our adventure, just the three of us. We were hungry so we got some really yummy hot dogs off a cart and a frozen lemonade and spent a few hours at Centennial Olympic Park.

Hunter got to play on the playgrounds before hitting the splash area. There were several groups of children there with schools so he had lots of playmates. Once we hit the splash park to cool off, there was no stopping him....or my mom...from becoming totally soaked. I loved watching Mom and Hunter get each other super wet and being playful in the fountains.

When it was time to go home we walked back to the train station to go our different ways since we were parked at two different places. My mom whipped out her card and touched the side to the pad...and got a red X. She tried X again. Hunter being the delightfully helpful child that he is said "No Grandma, it's like this" and proceeds to lay the card down on the arrow!