Friday, December 19, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

I hate cold. I hate rain. I hate not being able to go outside and I HATE having a toddler that feels the same way and shows it. In trying to find Super activities that include playing indoors, I've succumbed to fast food play grounds. It's not so bad sharing some fries and getting a chocolate milk and letting the boy play for an hour or two, I just hate getting in there with him. Of course he wants me to play along and I do but my knees are killing me from those plastic tubes. So I always love it when he finds a playmate and I have to laugh when as soon as a pretty girl comes in the room, he is the first one at her side trying to engage her... or in this case, trying to color with her crayons. This little girl was 5 but that didn't stop Super from going after the older woman. It took her a little while but eventually she came around and even gave him a hug goodbye when she left. What can I say? They love the "older" ladies.

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