Friday, September 25, 2009

My Mom Visits!

It was so wonderful having my mom come to town. For one, I love having someone there to take care of me and no one pampers you like the woman that gave you life. For two, she pampers my kid (even as resentful as he was to give up his room so she had a bed to sleep in) and no one spoils a child like a grandparent.
I greatly appreciate that even though she was coming to "vacation" with us she worked her butt off to help me out. Bragging about my mommy time! I know she loves it but in the 4 days she came to visit she painted my living room and Hunters bedroom all by herself. They look gorgeous and I love that I come home to a place where I actually got to pick the colors I'm looking at. She cooked or provided every meal we ate while she was here (I guess I don't keep enough food in the house to her liking, hehehe, I actually am just awful about grocery shopping). Together we cleared some major bushes and ugly over grown areas of my new yard. And I won't forget to mention the hours and hours of shopping. She is a powerhouse in the grocery and Ikea departments and I debated over throw pillows for an hour.
Just having her company in the evening hours was a blessing. I get very lonely since Danny works nights and the companionship of a little boy is only so fulfilling. I love that we can chat for hours about the upgrades she wants to make in her home and how we could reorganize everything.
The never ending rain actually stopped briefly while she was here but she experienced the days of rain with us, shocked at how different it is in FL where it rains every day but it's barely noticed.
Now that she's gone, Hunter keeps asking where his Grandma Lisa is even though he gave her the cold shoulder because of the bedroom wars. She doesn't take any of his crap and doesn't get offended that he was being a little stinker towards her at times. She even laughed when he climbed into his bed one night as he was attempting to bully his way back in and promptly threw up in the middle of the bed and floor. My poor baby. We took him to finally get his MMR and we discovered that he had an ear infection.
I'm so glad she came to visit us and I can't wait until she comes back again (we're going to paint the dining room next!) which will probably be around the time I have my baby shower. I can't wait to go back down to Orlando. I know Hunter will look forward to seeing her again and playing in her garden and with her chickens and bunnies.

I heart you Mom!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First Doctors Appointment for Baby #2

Everything went really well. It was a lot of fun to go back and see the doctor that delivered Hunter. He is still as energetic and complimentary and I remember and I thoroughly enjoy visiting with him. The babies heartbeat is strong and fast and easy to find. After some very simple calculations we concluded that my due date is officially March 26th. I'm very proud of my son and how well behaved he was at our appointment. One of the other doctors gave him a lollipop and everyone cooed over how adorable and well mannered he is. I have a feeling my kid is going to hunt down that doc every time we go. Once Hunter gets candy from someone, he is very persistent about getting it out of them again.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's been a rough couple of months since getting knocked up. Being tired and nauseous is not my idea of a good time but this pregnancy so far is significantly easier than my first. However, I'm starting to feel really good again and being in the new house makes a world of difference. Now that we have plenty of room to run and I have the energy to play, Hunter has discovered a new game I call Superheroes. Essentially we tie blankets around our necks and chase each other around the house pretending to fly. Danny loves to sit back and laugh at the 2 of us because apparently we are hilarious. After about 20 minutes I'm done, its amazing to me how long a little boy can run in circles and laugh without running out of breath and passing out.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Do It!

Every single mom at some point is going to hear these words come out of their children's mouth. Its finally my turn. Since moving into our new home a week and a half ago, we haven't gotten the cable connected yet or set up any of our major electronics besides the PlayStation 3. We did stumble upon an old TV we forgot about, the VHS and a little DVD player that I thought would be nice to put in Hunters playroom. Over the last few days we've been teaching him how to use it so we aren't constantly having to go in there and change tapes and DVDs and since it's all extra stuff we don't care about, why not teach the 2 year old how to do it? He has already mastered the iPod Touch better than me so what's the harm? Every so often, he's asked for my help but unless he specifically requests me, all I hear is "I Do It, Mommy!" (And not in a snotty tone, I wouldn't put up with that. He's just so proud of himself for being able to put on his videos whenever he wants them)

Friday, September 4, 2009

What's Yo Name?

At 2 years old my little man is already practicing his pick up lines. He finally grasped the concept of learning peoples names and is constantly making a game of it. Everyday he asks me over and over again "what's yo name?" to which I reply "Mommy, What's your name?" He returns with "Hunter...what's yo name?" and the cycle continues. Just for fun I'll switch up the names and call myself by my first name or I'll refer to myself as Daddy or Hunter, just to see if he's paying attention.
I do think it's sweet when we go out in public and he has to ask everyone he sees and when they walk away from us he says goodbye and calls them by name! I'm impressed since I usually forget their answer in 3 seconds and he'll engage them for several minutes.
The hardest part for me is watching him approach the little girls on the playground. On good days they want to play but they don't realize he's too young to continue the conversation (he loves the 5 yr old ladies) and on the bad days they run off and I can see the confusion on his face. I do love his confidence though and I hope it stays with him into adulthood. Then again, I'm terrified because he is going to be a major heartbreaker.