Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Silver Lining

As we all know, the economy is going down the drain. It's been hard on everyone and we are feeling the squeeze just like everyone else. Well, I have good new for me... as everyone obviously saw, I gained a LOT of weight when preggo and some more afterwards (thanks to a lovely friend that introduced me to Starbucks... yes, at one point I was NOT a fanatic). I tried so hard for so long with little results but my hard work is now really paying off...I got on a scale today and I have lost 50lbs! I'm roughly 8lbs over what I weighed when I met Danny so I'm not all the way back but I'm getting there quickly. If I can do it by new years, I won't have to make it a resolution like I did for 2008. I can wear almost all my old clothes (the stupid stretched skin I am still left with after delivering my 8lb 6oz child is still making it difficult for all of them to fit correctly) and I feel amazing. I'm still depressed that money is a problem but I can look in a mirror and not feel bad about that too and I'm thankful that I'm so much stronger. Carrying around a 40lb toddler would strengthen anyone and even though it's hard, I'm thankful for my heavy man, without him I don't think I'd be halfway to my goal instead of almost there. Thanks Baby!

1 comment:

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I hear ya on the money issue. Its amazing how it all just disappears!
Congrats on the weight loss! I think its awesome that you have stuck with it!. And like I said before, you do look great!
You know, even if pregnancy in and of itself didn't suck, I am still amazed at the women who say the love being pregnant! If the only bad thing that came with it was the weight gain and the stretched out skin, well, how can you like that? Crazy women!