Monday, May 5, 2008

Bless You

Something sick happened the other day that totally freaked me out! Super had been sneezing a lot all day and it began to worry me. It wasn't one or two sneezes, it was 5 or 6 at a time and happening hourly. Around noon he starts sneezing again and in my head I start to get really worried. After he was finished, I grabbed a tissue and start cleaning him up, snot is everywhere and I know I have a small window of time until he starts smearing it with his hands. So I swoop down with a tissue but before I can wipe, he sneezed again! Well guess what came out... a piece of oak pollen. Not a little green speck but a long, almost banana shaped piece if tree (about 1/4inch long and 1/2inch around) came oozing out of his nose. My first thought is that my baby has worms in his brain! Upon closer inspection and the discoverment that it wasn't a parasite, just something he shoved up his nose, I began to breathe normally again.


I hate it when people sneeze for really long, continuous sneezes, not because it offends me or anything, it's that I don't want to say Bless you over and over again. One or two is fine with me but I've had it pointed out to me recently that I don't say Bless you enough (by Grout Daddy and Mistress Josh). For one, I don't know why it's MY responsibility to say Bless you to anyone and two, I tend to not hear it when people do sneeze when I'm wrapped up in something (anything). If I'm reading a book/magazine/watching TV/cooking a complicated dinner, you're probably not going to get anything out of me because I don't notice (unless you do it right on me like Super does), why get offended?

Seinfeld made a good point in one of his shows, why do we say Bless you? I don't really want the pressure of telling someone "you are soooo good lookin'" but, in our society we know that when we sneeze, our souls don't leave our bodies (although I do believe covering your mouth is something you must always remember) or that the devil can enter your body when you sneeze and someone saying, "God bless you," drives the devil away. Why must someone else excuse the sneezer? I'm perfectly comfortable doing a big *achooo!* and coming back with my own "Excuse me". Now, I've been conditioned my whole life to be polite and bless someone so I doubt that I'll stop anytime soon but I don't appreciate being ragged on because some stranger behind me at the bank sneezes like a jerk (practically screaming) and glares at me and says "What? I don't get a bless you?" NO you don't get a bless you, I'm busy trying to juggle having my paperwork ready so you don't roll your eyes and huff behind my back while I'm doing my transaction and having to dig in my purse and trying to keep my almost 30lb toddler from putting his shoe down the front of my shirt and exposing my bra to the public while drinking a bottle and spitting half the contents down the same shirt that is now about my reach my belly button. Bless yourself, jerkbag!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said. I agree, the Bless You thing is useless. I tend to ignore sneezes and get the same look.