Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where Have I Been?

I've been really busy and on vacation and even busier since we got back. I have a blog coming soon about our vacation but I'm waiting for a certain person to send me some pictures because I'm really bad at taking them on a regular basis and I want to show everyone how much fun we had. It may be a few more days but I promise it's coming. I've missed updating this regularly but finding the time is nearly impossible! Super has become so active and keeping up with him, work, our marriage, friends, family, church and extra activities has me crashing hard every night.

I am so happy that our apartment pools are now open! I've been waiting for months to be able to take Super swimming on a regular basis. He loves the water but hates his floating device so I have to hold him the whole time and watch him to make sure he doesn't just jump in on his own. We went on Monday and had a blast. My little stunt man has no fear and tried to follow me down some stairs I was using to check out the second pool and fell head first down 5 steps. I'd be worried if I didn't know that his skull is made of granite. Poor kid. I don't doubt I'll have a full head of gray hair by the time he turns five. I die a little every time I see him do something like that. Super also made friends with this really sweet little girl that just wanted to mommy him all over the place. She shared her mints, asked a ton of questions and had some super sassy sunglasses. She was 6 and totally adorable and sweet.

I can't wait to go swimming again! I love the pool, the water, the baking sun and heat. Summer is my favorite season! It makes me rethink my desire to get preggo again though (especially since I'm vain enough to admit that I don't look half bad in my bathing suit this year and I love that). We thought we might try for another baby around now but I think we're going to put it off for a few more months. We're really enjoying our family just how it is and I don't feel that drive to have another one just yet. Now, if it happens naturally, we'll be thrilled but I don't think we're going to try. I'd still love to give him a sibling. I'm jealous of Ms WobblyBits that's halfway through her pregnancy so hopefully she won't mind if I live slightly vicariously through her until it's my turn again (Girl, lets eat some ice cream, put our feet up and complain!)


Anonymous said...

Come on over! I am making sundaes every night! I have been busy too with finals this week and moving but we have to get together soon. Oh by the way tell that little six year old craddle robber to lay off Izzy's boyfriend!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Oh man, I am green with envy! You got to go to Florida! Lucky, and now you are basking in warmth, sunshine, and water. Ooohhh, I would just kill to be there right now!!