Thursday, May 1, 2008

We Did It

*Sniff* *Sniff* I've been talking about it for a few months and even blogged about how sad I was going to be.... Super Destroyer got his first haircut.

It's a big change from what it was...

I'm going to miss the shagginess but lately he's been developing "dreadlocks" in the back of his hair because of the length. We brush it but they continually come back. I get the same thing in my hair but because it's so long, you normally can't see it (we both have very, very fine hair but a LOT of it). His are really obvious though. The choice to do it today stems from yesterday nights dinner. Some of his mac n cheese was smeared into his hair and it took a long time with a baby comb to get it out, even after his bath, it was so stuck in there. No more tangles for our little man now.

Although I'm feeling sad that I won't have that pretty hair to play with anymore, it's not going to be in his eyes or making him hot and sticky this summer. It'll be easier to wash, dry and comb which will save me a lot of time chasing him around the apartment with a towel and a comb (the boy takes off running the second he's out of the tub). He might even be able to wear a hat without yanking his hair when he's ready to take them off.

We decided to do the cut ourselves so I did this with an electric trimmer and kitchen scissors. I'm pretty happy with the results. There are a few stray hairs and some spots that are a little too long but he wasn't happy in his chair anymore so I'll be cleaning up the big mistakes over the next few days. He as really good through most of the process (thanks to Meet the Robinson's and a tootsie pop), only a few quick turns of the head but I was cautious so at least he doesn't have patchy, bald spots on his head.

My little man is growing up too fast. Today he is 18 months old. *sigh* I love my little man with his big boy haircut.


pennylutz said...

I love his haircut! I think he looks so cute! I can't believe he's so old already. What a big boy. I can't wait to see him this month.

Anonymous said...

He looks sooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!!

Sara Lyn said...

He looks great!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I like his haircut, I think it's super cute! But I know how you feel, i just gave jacob his first real haircut, made me sad.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...
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