So, no flash = fuzzy pictures or flash = cranky, squinting baby. When I have to turn the flash off to get good pictures, I usually have to take 15 more just so I have one that doesn't look like this...
He's a quick little booger. This makes me jealous of both Big and Little Sis who have awesome cameras that can take a million shots a second and they all turn out perfect. Granted, I didn't invest the money into mine that they did, I'm still green with envy when I see Big Sis do all kinds of fun stuff with camera/pictures. We are able to take video on our camera and for that I'm thankful. (And as I type this, Big Sis calls to tell me... she's getting a new camera! Oh, but this is just a diaper bag camera, no big deal....grrrr)
Let's share some fun times we've had....
Super got into a dog bowl at a friends house. After this incident, anytime I would go there I'd have to put the bowl up. I felt bad because that dog really was sweet and Super couldn't stay away from water (and still can't, puddles were my enemy on the way to church yesterday).
His first laugh. It's dark but will light up after a few seconds. I was in a rush to make sure I got the laugh on camera. He chuckled for a few minutes prior to this.
Learning to walk. We have a ton of these little snippets but they are all really hard to see. Our lighting stinks and so does our camera.
Sitting around and being adorable. He was such a mellow baby, I really miss the calmness that he brought but I wouldn't trade it for what I have now.
Tonight he is sleeping in his big boy bed that he climbed into all on his own. The first few nights he kept trying to get out and play but today we wore him OUT! He was more than happy to go to bed and stay there. He went to sleep snuggling this little fuzzy bunny that his Grandma Sue got him for Easter. He loves soft, fuzzy fabric and is constantly cuddling with a pillow or stuffed animal (we make each other too hot, that kid is an oven).
I hope the morning isn't too miserable with the possibility of being woken up by a tiny finger poking inside my nose.
Off to sleepnow! Goodnight!
Super cute, he looke just like you!! He is growing up so fast! Oh, bytheway, I can't beleive you added a link to my "other" blog. It is too embarassing! I think you should take it down people people actually start clicking on it!
Those pics are too cute. I too hate our camera. It goes off on its own. The click button is useless it has a mind of its own.
Those pics are too cute. I too hate our camera. It goes off on its own. The click button is useless it has a mind of its own.
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