Monday, May 5, 2008

The TV Babysitter

Life is pretty level right now... nothing really going on but at the same time we're taking advantage of the good weather and playing outside constantly. I love the summer (even though I sweat like crazy) and I love being outside. Thank goodness Super will coming running when the front door is opened, I'm worried that he might be too interested in all of our electronics. While I hate the idea that my 18 month old is addicted to TV, I can't help but be a little relieved that I get some time to myself (or at least a few minutes of not being climbed by a baby beast) in the morning to get things ready for the day, until he insists that I must sit next to him while he watches. Super loves Sesame Street and Super Why (I LOVE Alpha Pig, so cute), with maybe a little bit of Dragon Tales and Curious George mixed in there. These are mostly in the early morning when he gets up at 7am and I don't stop snarling like a grizzly bear until 8:30am. We can watch them together and they're cute enough that I can stand them without the desire to go running outside with a cigarette. Then we go to the gym, a park, lunch or take a long walk. After we sufficiently tire him out, he crashes for a nap.

A few hours of peace, then the fun begins again. He's refreshed after a few hours and ready to go all over. However, after that nap he wants to watch his favorite movie, the same movie that we've watched almost every single day since Christmas. The movie that he can and will dig out of a pile of DVD's and PS3 games. We even take the book everywhere and have the main song memorized (who wouldn't after watching it 100 times) in case he gets rowdy in public. He starts screaming, we start singing and he shuts up and listens. Anyway, Meet the Robinson's is his happy movie and I like it to a point so I can handle putting it on in the afternoons and letting him watch. The benefits of Meet the Robinson's for me is that I'm more motivated to clean my house. I can't standing knowing a movie so well that I can recite the lines of EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER including the flying hat that beeps. I would rather do anything than listen to Wilbur tell Lewis that he is a "time cop from the future and must be taken very seriously". He will get up and dance during the lively parts and it's so adorable. He doesn't notice that I'm picking up his most precious pile of books and putting them away, or that I'm putting wet laundry into the dryer (he loves helping Mommy, by putting dirty laundry in the dryer, awwww *insert my CBF here*). (What is CBF you ask? It's a fun little expression I've picked up from my BabyCenter board. CatButtFace is what you do when you get an answer or someone does an action that you don't like and your entire face scrunches up and you pucker your mouth really tight. It's generally something you see a mother in law doing behind a daughter in laws back or when someone tells a very distasteful dirty joke.)

I hope we can branch out in the near future. We watched The Incredibles yesterday but it didn't have the same magic that MTR does for him. It works for me though, I've never seen that movie all the way through and I discovered that I'm a bigger softy than I thought (or maybe it's the PMS), I cried every ten minutes until the end and then I cried some more. Super had no idea what was wrong with me but came over and gave me a big hug and kiss. I love that munchkin.


Anonymous said...

The backyardigans are actually one I can watch with Izzy. Other than that my mind turns to auto pilot and I have steamy day dreams with Brad Pitt until nap time.

Sheri and her Men said...

I love the Backyardigans! I just don't know what time they come on. Usually when I see it, the channel doesn't change. I saw the boy watching Barney the other day and almost lost it. That dino makes me want to shoot someone in the head.