Saturday, March 29, 2008
Birthday Drama
So we had a great dinner of Wild Boar Ravioli, Buffalo Style Quail, Lamb chops, some kind of salty crab and cream cheese stuffed dumpling, creme brulee, we went all out and really had a great time. The waiter was not so good (we had to constantly ask other people to do things that were his our check, dessert menus, drink refills). Due to this bad service, we decided to only leave a 10% tip. Now, I have a brother and some really good friends in the service industry so I will tip big when I have the experience that I expect or better. The better the experience, the better the tip, right?
We leave the restaurant and get into the car and head out. As we're driving by the front door, I see our waiter running out after us. I stopped the car because my first thought was that I left my purse or something! I made sure I had all my stuff and kept going. He's waving at us to come back and yelling something and then gives us the finger! He starts screaming profanities and flipping us off, telling us to come back so he can kick our butts. (OMG, I'm laughing so hard just thinking about this. He couldn't have been more than 5'6", maybe 5'7" on a good day. He was like a little puppy with all bark. For anyone that doesn't know us, my hubby is 6'8", thin but very strong) Grout Daddy is tipsy at the very least and rolls down the window and starts screaming back and flipping him off (oh, the maturity). I don't want to get in a fight and I really want to get to our next destination (this was the night of some major tornadoes in ATL). We called the restaurant a few minutes after we drove off (he was running through their parking lot, still screaming) and explained to the hostess what happened. The person we spoke to on the phone was one of the people we had to rely on because of the bad service so he understood what we were talking about.
Two weeks have gone by and we hadn't heard anything yet! They were supposed to send us gift certificates but someone dropped the ball. I just spoke to the manager and got her sincere apology and hopefully we'll actually get out gift cards this time. I also found out that they suspended this waiter! Whoo hoo! I don't want anyone (even a jerk like that) to lose their source of income, even if what they did was completely unacceptable. However, I do love when those idiots can't work for an extended period of time due to their complete and totally unprofessional people skills.
I can't wait to go back though (they also have a restaurant in Sandy Springs). I can only imagine what would happen if that guys was our server again. I just can't get the memory of those lamb chops out of my mind. Try this place out, it's reasonably priced, fun to be at and so tasty.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Yummy! Yummy!
Oatmeal Pancakes/Waffles
One Serving
1/2 cup old-fashioned oatmeal
1/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese (or tofu)
4 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Process the oatmeal, cottage cheese, egg whites, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a blender until smooth.
Spray a nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Add the batter and cook over medium heat until both sides are lightly browned.
I added some protein powder to kick it up a bit and to give it a chocolaty taste. This is a really basic recipe that you can add anything to. I can only imagine how good some blueberries would be in this. It seems a bit bland at first but give it a few seconds to let the flavors kick in and then enjoy every bite. It was super quick and easy to make AND my family likes it. I can't believe Grout Daddy and SuperDestroyer both dug in. They are going to be great for breakfast in the morning.
Anyone else have any great recipes they want to share with everyone? Send them my way and I'll post them!
They Grow So Fast...
So, I had to come on here and brag about my kid. I know it isn't a huge deal but when words come out of his mouth, I can't help but hug him like a teddy bear. Last night we were reading bedtime books. One of these books has prompted him to say words more than any other. Months ago, I was reading this too him and had to start the book over again (for the third or fourth time) I got back to the beginning and started like this... A Cow goes... and out of his mouth came "Moooooo", I was so startled but so happy and exclaimed "Yes baby, good job! High five?" and got my very first real high five from him. Oh happy giddy mommy moments.
Last night, Grout Daddy was doing the honors and starts the book, "A cow goes moo, a sheep says baaa, three singing pigs say La La La..." The next line of the book is "No, No you say, that isn't right..." Well, we never quite made it there after hearing the most defined and very intentional "NO, NO" come out of SuperDestroyers mouth. Grout Daddy was so surprised he almost dropped the book and we exchanged the happiest of smiles. Sandra Boynton you are my new BFF. Our little man! In a few days he'll be 17 months old, where did the time go!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I Have Tasted Fear
Our kid is stealthy. He managed to pull back the loose gate and slip out of it without knocking it over or making a sound. Danny asked me if I had him and when I said no, panic set in. I bolted out of the house and ran down the hill, screaming his name, trying to get anyone outside to help find him. Danny looked throughout the house just in case he was still playing hide and seek then ran up the hill to cover more ground. By God's grace we found him unharmed. A woman found him wandering around upset and pulled him out of the parking lot/street. We live in a busy complex right near a blind corner of road that people usually fly around. Adrenaline is a powerful thing. I felt nothing as I sprinted up and down hills that I normally huff and puff on while I walk and I already know that I'm going to be in pain tomorrow from my bare feet on pavement. It wasn't more than 4-5 minutes from beginning to end of the whole ordeal but those were some of the most agonizing moments of my life.
I'm Not Usually So Bored...
This series was taken on his first Thanksgiving. He's roughly 3 weeks old. I miss that little toothless smile.
These are from a very non-drunken night last Christmas. I have weird siblings. We left our camera at my grandparents house while we went back to the hotel. We ended up with 50 or 60 of the most random pictures.
Karen, I couldn't leave you out... I know you remember this but I wanted to show everyone. OMG, Grey Goose is AWESOME!
I find this totally adorable. I loved him in this outfit no matter how kinda girly it is.
I don't know how I end up with shots like this. My child makes some strange faces and I manage to capture them on camera. He looks like he lost a fight and then threw back a couple to ease the pain. "Walk it off, Boy!"
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Not Selling Anything
I'm such a cheerleader when it comes to things I love. I've really gotten into health and fitness lately and I'm having a ball. I feel better, I look better, I have more energy for my family, I have more of a desire to do things that I'd let go because getting off the couch was too much hassle. Let me tell ya, being able to zip up the jeans I wore in high school made me feel so good today.
I joined a program online that will help me keep myself on track. I realized that I spend way too much time thinking about food and "diets" and what I "should" do vs. making it a part of my daily life. It doesn't help that I'm an extreme Starbucks fanatic and I have a lovely son that likes to put food in my mouth for me (on a side note, I had to stop allowing it on a regular basis because we were at a large gathering around the holidays and someone there had a 3 year old. He was eating off his plate and doing a great job until Hunter started picking up the pieces that dropped on the ground and proceeded to shove these food bits into this other kids mouth and then trying to get it off his plate to do the same thing). It also doesn't help that my Grout Guy can eat anything under the sun and not having anything to show for it. Luckily, I've began forcing (yeah, I hate it but if there is one person I'm going to shove this on, it's going to be him) Grout Daddy to go to the gym with me and mostly buying the foods that are good for us and he's feeling the same effects I am (and even finding some of the weight I'm losing). We recently took a trip to the park and I promise I used my turn signals the whole way there...
We played soccer and tossed around the football. We take both because Super Destroyer must be playing with what you have and it's really sad to see him pout. So we alternate depending on his moods and it works out great. It is adorable to see him kicking around (or in most cases, carrying/throwing around) this ball. I mention that it's cute because most of his time practicing at home is with a baseball that he always manages to find. A soccer ball in a field is cute, a baseball in my kitchen while I make dinner barefoot is excruciating.
I can't wait for the weather to be like that on a more consistent basis. I've decided that since the weather has gotten better, I'm going to start walking to the park once a week. There's a park 2 miles from our house and while I think the park sucks, a long walk will be great for me and Hunter. I'm also really anxious to try out the Silver Comet Trail. I've heard great things but I've still not been on it. I do like working out at the gym but it gets boring and I want to keep this interesting instead of the same ole machines every day. My awesome workout buddy (we'll call her Miss Amandy) gave me a swimsuit and goggles and got me back into a pool. I'm so ready to incorporate this into my workout. It would be wonderful to get up in the morning, hit the gym and go swimming, shower there and head off to work. I'll even be able to take a shower in peace with little man in the Kids Klub. Showering by myself is almost a forgotten luxury. It doesn't matter what Grout Daddy does, if Super hears the shower and he's not in the water, it's hysterics. The world has ended!
I'm also using this great product that my lovely friend MsWobblybits sent me a link of months ago. Let me take a moment to give a quick shout out. If it wasn't for her, there would be no pictures in my blog, no slide show that I'll be adding soon and no inspiration to start writing this. Thanks Karen, I really appreciate you for being the awesome person that you are!
So this product is called Colonix (Warning: the pictures are harsh). I'm sure with a name like that you can guess what it's for because I'm not going to go into details. After a few weeks on this I feel great. I never had a problem that needed fixing but there are lots of benefits and I'm quite content reaping them. My heartburn is gone, I don't have to eat as much and stay satisfied longer, I'm jazzed all day and my stomach is flatter. It's not safe for pregnant or nursing moms because of a certain herbal supplement you take but I'm glad I'm doing this before getting knocked up again. For anyone that wants to give this stuff a try, I highly recommend it. It's really gentle. It takes 3 months to complete but it's really effective. After buying just one months worth and using it for a week, I bought 3 more months worth.
I want to thank everyone that's been encouraging and supportive while I've been making this lifestyle change. I wouldn't be able to do it without you. I hope I am there for you like you are for me. I'm down half the weight I wanted to lose and I haven't felt this great since before having Hunter. I'm really happy that I'll be in decent shape when it's time for Noah or Lydia to join our family. This is going to be a crazy year and I'm so ready for it!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Ok, Seriously?
Here is what I did. I turned left out of the parking lot (at a light with a green arrow) and I get into the right lane (no one from the opposite direction was coming). I'm driving along and I ease into the right turning lane and turn right (at a light with a green arrow). Instead of going directly into the right lane, since no one was really anywhere around me, I just eased into the left lane. Anyone that has ever driven with me know, I'm so ultra paranoid. I trust myself to drive carefully, it's the other 100 million other nutso vehicles that I'm scared of. Even Grout Daddy can't drive without me holding onto the door and closing my eyes during the scary parts. Anyway, we're sitting at a red light and I see Mr. Cop behind us but I don't care because for the most part, I trust cops to do what they need to to keep everyone as safe as possible. The light turns green and I haven't moved more than 20ft and the blue lights start flashing! Ooookaaayyy. I pulled over into a parking lot and prepared to hear what I had done wrong. I couldn't be speeding, I didn't cut anyone off, I didn't change lanes erratically. Hmmm? So, Mr. Long Arm of the Law comes and tells me that he pulled me over for not using my turn signals! Seriously? It's rush hour traffic! You can't use turn signals or no one will EVER let you get over. It's Atlanta, land of the uber entitled driver, if you put your signals on and someone is 50ft behind you in the lane you want to go in, they will step on their gas as hard as they can to avoid letting you in front of them, even if it's just for a few moments until you can get in the next lane over.
He asks for my license and for Grout Daddys! What? He isn't driving! What the hell does he have to do with me not using my signals! Then he peeks in the back at SuperDestroyer and asks us if he's our baby. Seriously? Does he think I stole this baby from Target? He's a spitting image of me and G-Daddy. So, he goes and runs our licenses and brings them back to us and tells me to use my turn signals from now on. Me, being the citizen I am and being plagued by the occasional mommy brain, I asked if I put anyone in danger. I got some pithy come back that I must ALWAYS use my signals even if I didn't put someone in danger. Ok, look Cop Asshole, I just want to make sure I didn't almost hit someone and not realize it.
What the heck! I use my turn signals when they are appropriate or needed. Why aren't these cops pulling people over for the jerkbags that are coming your direction when you're trying to make a left turn and turn right next to you! I just want to scream (and usually do) I could have gone stupid! Now the road isn't clear anymore and I'm going to have to wait another 3 minutes until it's safe for me to go.
Word from the wise, don't look at cops funny or they will come after you, they will think you stole your baby and bitch at you for not using a right turn signal when you're in a right turning lane with a green right turn arrow.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Back Scratches
There is nothing better to me than a back scratch. Any time, any day, any conditions. If you rake your nails across my back, I'm your best friend for life. The harder you scratch, the more I'm going to love you. Grout Daddy, I adore you so much. Everyday when we're sitting on the couch together, he'll reach over and work me over for a couple of minutes. He even gets that spot, (girls you know what I'm talking about) right under the bra strap. Oh h h h h h *quiver* He's also learning that if you extend that to the back of my head, I've died and gone to heaven.
Now, Grout Daddy owns a grout business so it's not easy to keep nails clean and reasonably long. I appreciate a man that takes the extra time every day to make sure to keep his hands and nails clean and smooth for the sole purpose of giving me my nightly scratch down (I'm sure there are other perks but they don't directly benefit me so I don't know about them). Thank you, Baby, from the bottom of my heart.