Friday, March 28, 2008

They Grow So Fast...

I love nap time more than any other time of the day. Super goes down and I get uninterrupted everything! I can play on the computer, study (blah), do a workout tape, chat with my friends on the phone, watch TV without having to put on Meet The Robinsons. Freedom!

So, I had to come on here and brag about my kid. I know it isn't a huge deal but when words come out of his mouth, I can't help but hug him like a teddy bear. Last night we were reading bedtime books. One of these books has prompted him to say words more than any other. Months ago, I was reading this too him and had to start the book over again (for the third or fourth time) I got back to the beginning and started like this... A Cow goes... and out of his mouth came "Moooooo", I was so startled but so happy and exclaimed "Yes baby, good job! High five?" and got my very first real high five from him. Oh happy giddy mommy moments.

Last night, Grout Daddy was doing the honors and starts the book, "A cow goes moo, a sheep says baaa, three singing pigs say La La La..." The next line of the book is "No, No you say, that isn't right..." Well, we never quite made it there after hearing the most defined and very intentional "NO, NO" come out of SuperDestroyers mouth. Grout Daddy was so surprised he almost dropped the book and we exchanged the happiest of smiles. Sandra Boynton you are my new BFF. Our little man! In a few days he'll be 17 months old, where did the time go!

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