Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm Not Usually So Bored...

Grout Guy has been playing his PS3 all night so I'm trucking away at the computer. I'd be playing too but I still can't really use my finger after it got bashed in two weeks ago while tossing the football. I wasn't going to blog again but I found some pictures that I just needed to put on here.

This is Josh. He is best friends with Danny and is practically a part of our family. How can you not love that face?

"I'm a Bull!" When Hunter was a newborn we'd do this as entertainment. It still makes me laugh hard enough to hurt. For all of those single, childless people, this is what you have to look forward to when you can't find a sitter Friday night. It's better than any party though.

This series was taken on his first Thanksgiving. He's roughly 3 weeks old. I miss that little toothless smile.

These are from a very non-drunken night last Christmas. I have weird siblings. We left our camera at my grandparents house while we went back to the hotel. We ended up with 50 or 60 of the most random pictures.

Karen, I couldn't leave you out... I know you remember this but I wanted to show everyone. OMG, Grey Goose is AWESOME!

I find this totally adorable. I loved him in this outfit no matter how kinda girly it is.

I don't know how I end up with shots like this. My child makes some strange faces and I manage to capture them on camera. He looks like he lost a fight and then threw back a couple to ease the pain. "Walk it off, Boy!"

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