Saturday, March 29, 2008

Birthday Drama

I just got off the phone with the manager of the 5 Seasons Brewing Company. I had to call due to this incident that we never got a follow up on. We went for Grout Daddys birthday a few weeks ago. The food and beer is AMAZING! Now, I'm not usually a fan of beer, I'd rather stick with a soda and savor the delicious sugar that I deny myself most of the time. We tried something that was vintage and aged over a year. I was driving so I only took a couple of sips and it really had a nice flavor and texture, went down really smooth, complimented the food really well (I HATE drinking alcohol and eating at the same time, bleck! This is probably the only exception I'd make).

So we had a great dinner of Wild Boar Ravioli, Buffalo Style Quail, Lamb chops, some kind of salty crab and cream cheese stuffed dumpling, creme brulee, we went all out and really had a great time. The waiter was not so good (we had to constantly ask other people to do things that were his our check, dessert menus, drink refills). Due to this bad service, we decided to only leave a 10% tip. Now, I have a brother and some really good friends in the service industry so I will tip big when I have the experience that I expect or better. The better the experience, the better the tip, right?

We leave the restaurant and get into the car and head out. As we're driving by the front door, I see our waiter running out after us. I stopped the car because my first thought was that I left my purse or something! I made sure I had all my stuff and kept going. He's waving at us to come back and yelling something and then gives us the finger! He starts screaming profanities and flipping us off, telling us to come back so he can kick our butts. (OMG, I'm laughing so hard just thinking about this. He couldn't have been more than 5'6", maybe 5'7" on a good day. He was like a little puppy with all bark. For anyone that doesn't know us, my hubby is 6'8", thin but very strong) Grout Daddy is tipsy at the very least and rolls down the window and starts screaming back and flipping him off (oh, the maturity). I don't want to get in a fight and I really want to get to our next destination (this was the night of some major tornadoes in ATL). We called the restaurant a few minutes after we drove off (he was running through their parking lot, still screaming) and explained to the hostess what happened. The person we spoke to on the phone was one of the people we had to rely on because of the bad service so he understood what we were talking about.

Two weeks have gone by and we hadn't heard anything yet! They were supposed to send us gift certificates but someone dropped the ball. I just spoke to the manager and got her sincere apology and hopefully we'll actually get out gift cards this time. I also found out that they suspended this waiter! Whoo hoo! I don't want anyone (even a jerk like that) to lose their source of income, even if what they did was completely unacceptable. However, I do love when those idiots can't work for an extended period of time due to their complete and totally unprofessional people skills.

I can't wait to go back though (they also have a restaurant in Sandy Springs). I can only imagine what would happen if that guys was our server again. I just can't get the memory of those lamb chops out of my mind. Try this place out, it's reasonably priced, fun to be at and so tasty.

1 comment:

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I can just imagine you laughing your head off. Your laugh always makes me laugh. By the way, you look totally fabulous babe!!