Monday, August 18, 2008

My Addictions

I have such an addictive personality. I'm perfectly aware of it so I try to take everything in moderation. I did write try... I'm not sitting behind my computer thinking I'm the picture of perfection. Right now, one of my newest addictions is raging inside of me. No, it's not a substance like coffee.... I'm craving Monopoly. A few months ago, Josh, Danny and I started playing because hubby was tired of losing at Scrabble and ever since the first few games, I'm hooked. I secretly get a little thrill when I land on a craved property and I like the little, bitty adrenaline rush you get before you roll and you're within range of properties covered in hotels. Most times I get amazing rolls that put Danny in a bad mood when we play together. Once I even made it 3/4 of the way around the board and picked up the last 3 available properties in one turn. So, I'm home again, alone on a Monday night and I wish a neighbor or a friend would come over so we could play. Ahhh, it's so fun being the mother of a toddler and the most exciting thing you can think of to do on a weekday evening is play a board game.... I need a hobby.


E said...

I totally know what you mean. There is nothing better than a good bored game--but have you ever tried to play Settlers of Cataan (my drug of choice) with a toddler in the house? Ah Sheri, maybe you should come for a visit and we can stay up until the wee hours of the morning rolling dice:)

Anonymous said...

remember the huge free parking payout, like $10mil+ haha. that was a fun game