Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our Visit From Suburban Earth Mama

We had such a great visit. Mom is so low maintenance that she makes you WANT to take care of her, especially since she did it while I was growing up, I want to return to favor as well as be a good hostess. She came in super late on Saturday night, we set up her bed, had some good chatting and went to sleep. Sunday was a lazy day, interrupted by a fun little birthday party and it was good that Super got a chance to get comfortable with this other person in our home. Monday and Tuesday were a flurry of shopping, playing with Hunter and eating way too much food. Something I love about Suburban Mama... she loves to fill our refrigerator (and I'm in no ways complaining) and then take us out for lunch (which again, not complaining). I usually have a hard time going with the flow and letting her take us out when we have a house FULL of food. Then again, I'm more than happy to sit back and let myself be spoiled.

It's really nice to be able to sit back with your mother and actually talk about things that are important in your life now. Just a few years ago, everything was different and if you go back a few more years... yikes! But now that I'm a mother and she is finding herself lots of new hobbies, including finding the perfect piece of land for her dream home, we actually understand each other much better. It's also fun to find out how much we have in common, even if it's just something like yard work and books. We started a Monopoly game one night (she totally enabled me) and she began telling me about these books she started reading when she was the young mother of a toddler. After hearing a rough run down of them, I asked her to really tell me the story. I'm not someone that can't hear the ending or a book or a movie before I get to it myself. I'm actually happy most of the time to find out what's going to happen first.

After a few days of shopping and hanging out...I'm sad she had to leave but I'm happy we'll get to see each other soon. I love the relationship we have... it may not be perfect but it's perfect for us and it's all ours to do whatever we want with it.

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