Monday, February 16, 2009

Running in Circles

I currently have 2 really good friends that are going to be having babies in 3-5 weeks. Naturally, over the last few weeks I've gone to both of their baby showers. The first one, for Cecilia, I went to was a lot of fun, I got to bring my son, eat cake and see some familiar faces. There was one girl that I swore up and down that I knew from somewhere. She happened to be wearing a shirt that I own that I almost wore to this particular function so I used that as my opening line to get to know her better. At the very least we could shop together. ;-) After talking to her for a while, I didn't think twice that this was a "new" friend.

A few weeks later I walked into another baby shower and there she was! Only this time we put the pieces together. I met her while I was pregnant with Super at Wendy's house! We spent a couple hours talking and visiting back then and I thoroughly enjoyed her company but at the time I was getting ready to have a baby and was quite miserable. I love technology. In less than 72 hours we are now Facebook, Goodreads and Blogspot buddies. Check out Natalie!

We live on opposite sides of the Atlanta perimeter but I hope one of these days we can get together. With friends like Cecilia and Wendy, there is no way Natalie isn't totally awesome.

1 comment:

Will and Natalie Giddens said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out! It's been fun running into you lately!