Friday, February 20, 2009


Hunter is a hip little fellow. He has his reaction words that are so funny to listen to. He'll say cool, all right and yeah! My favorite though is when he says sweet. Its terminology that we use often so its no surprise he picked it up and he puts his own little sass in and makes the word "sa-weet". My most favorite is while we're driving and we head through the Starbucks drive thru (which Super now calls milk). Here is how the conversation goes "Hunter want chocolate milk?" "Ok!" We drive... As we approach Starbucks I hear "Milk! Milk! Yea!" From the time his milk is handed to me until I prep it and hand it to him... "Mommy, mommy, milk! Milk! Sa-weet!". "What do we say, baby?" *silence* "We say thank you, hunter." "You're welcome, mommy..."

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