Friday, February 20, 2009

Storm Story

A friend of mine is leaving GA in the next few weeks and Super and I couldn't be more upset about it. She has a son a few months older than mine and our boys love each other. They even hug. Super isn't really a cuddly kid and doesn't hug much so this really surprised and delighted me. The other night I took the boys to Burger King so his mom could pack without a very active 2 year old in her way. We had a blast! It was the evening of the tornadoes here so it was raining and wet but the sky was lit up by lighting and the boys couldn't get enough. There would be a bright flash and then both of them saying "whoa!" The view from the large windows was very cool and they would see the lightening from way up high in the playground.
Two toddlers is a handful (especially when it comes time that I need to use the restroom) but so much easier than I thought. William is a bright and very easy child (with me, I know he gives his mama grief) and he made Super obey much better than he normally does. Since he can speak back in sentences and he listens to me if we needed to go somewhere (seats, out the door, the car) I'd call William and Hunter would just follow along.
We were there a few hours so they could play and I got to read a book. After a while, they got sick of the play place so they started dragging around chairs, high chairs and caution cones. Whatever works! They were being really good overall so I thought dessert would be a nice ending to the evening and boy was I right! Smiles and happiness all around. If the faux, self appointed aunt won't spoil, then who will?

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