Due to my lovely Big Sis that thinks I don't blog enough, I got tagged, but I'm game, lets do this!
1. What's his name? Danny, Sweetie, Baby, Daddy, Love
2. How long have you been married? Two years this past June 3rd
3. How long did you date? We got together in May 2005, about 2 weeks before he was going off to New Zealand for 3 months. We wrote letters, talked on the phone everyday and emailed. After he came home, we dated another 3 or 4 months before getting engaged.
4. Who eats more sweets? We're about even on that one. I'll eat a box of cookies over the course of a few days while he'll sit down and finished the box an hour. Now, when my cycle comes around, I head straight for the chocolate so that should tip the scales to me.
5. Who said I love you first? I did. He was going off to New Zealand (I know, two weeks, I'm so embarrassed) and I felt the need to tell him how it was. It made him extremely happy and now I don't think I've gone a day since not telling him I love over and over.
6. Who is taller? I have to laugh at this question and I'm sure Big Sis gave me this to fill out just for this reason. Danny is taller. Much taller. I'm 5'0", he is 6'8". There is a 20 inch difference in our heights but it makes us perfectly proportional. We even use the same mirror settings in both of our vehicles. Here I'll even put in a picture.
This is me as straight as I can go and him slouching over.
7. Who can sing better? I'm going to go with me. Danny doesn't really sing that much but I'll belt out a tune anywhere I go. Especially if it'll entertain my kid or someone elses kid. I love to sing. Occasionally I'll hear him sing along with something or sing Super his songs at night but that is it. He can actually rap pretty good for a white boy.
8. Who is smarter? *sigh* He is. I'm not exactly stupid but he is one of those golden people that are good at everything and can not study and get A's. We do balance each other pretty good though. I'm great at math and science but I can't spell to save my life. I'm better at working with people and problem solving but you can explain something to him once and he won't need to ask how to do it again.
9. Who does the laundry? Me. If he touches the laundry other than to put it away, I'll wring his neck. After having my favorite cashmere sweater shrunk to fit a barbie doll, he is allowed minimal contact with the laundry room. He does have to help more when I'm pregnant since I can't reach the bottom of the machine with a big belly.
10. Who pays the bills? Me. All of them. Since I have a better head for numbers and more patience, I take care of everything. I'm not at all perfect but I can only imagine what he would do to our budget.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. It was very natural for us to be together and we migrated to our own sides the first night. We tried to switch it up once when I was pregnant but neither of us slept very well.
12. Who cooks dinner? Me again. Danny can make some delicious eggs, french toast or grilled cheese but that is were his talents end. I love to cook so I'm perfectly happy with him not in my kitchen, making it all messy and leaving it for me to clean up.
13. Who drives? That's tricky. We rarely go anywhere together anymore. When we do, I do most of the driving because of my *surprise* control issues. When we were dating, we always took his truck and even when I was uncomfortable and pregnant in that bouncy truck, he still insisted on driving before I threw a royal tantrum. Now that we have the boy, we always take my car unless we go on a date and even then we mostly take my car because it's cleaner.
14. Who is more stubborn? I am going to call that draw. We are both really stubborn. I get what I want most of the time but that's because I have reasons for it. When asked to explain his logic, he usually can't so I win!
15. Who kissed who first? I really have no idea. It was probably me though. I went to meet him and his friends at the Pool Room for a few games and he put the "moves" on me. I've always been more forward about that kind of stuff. Curiosity always gets the better of me and had some sweet little lips. After that we were inseparable.
16. Who asked who out first? There was no real asking out. I met him and his friends one night and they came over and hung out for a while (we lived in the same apartment complex), I avoided them for a month after that because I had a life to run and was busy. He called me and invited me to the Pool Room so I guess the answer is him.
17. Who proposed? He did. We got lost one night in Pensacola when we were visiting my grandparents and drove in circle after circle. I finally got sick of sitting in the car so we stopped at a pier near Pensacola Bay. It was dark and the wind was blowing really hard and our conversation turned to marriage and he sprang a ring on me. Whoo hoo! We went back to that spot on our honeymoon.
18. Who wears the pants? I do. He'll tell you different though because he thinks he's running the show but, c'mon, we all know who is in charge.
That was a lot of fun! I tag Karen and I hope she's willing to fill it out. Let's keep it going, girl!
Crap, I just saw this ok...I will do it. lol
Aww. It's not so bad. I actually had a lot of fun with it. Good luck!
LOL, I had to laugh at the laundry bit. Luke stuck a pair of my kaki pants in with the whites and bleached them! They actually turned pink! He's not allowed to touch the wash anymore.
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