Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Own Tribute to a Great Lady

I stole this picture from Big Sis's blog because I don't have any pictures of my own. This is my Grandma Leitch, better known as E-ma during my childhood. Many people look at my family and wonder where I got my sassy attitude, here is the reason. Raised in New York, Grandma Leitch was a tough lady that didn't take crap from anyone. She held onto her Finnish roots and instilled that heritage into me and my siblings.

I remember going to visit her for a summer, just me and her, when I was 12 years old. We were driving to the beach one day and we pulled up next to this car with some 20 something year old guys in it. They were blasting their 90's rap music and being rowdy. Not being someone to back down, she proceeded to crank up her Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture as loud as it would go and we began to conduct our imaginary orchestra together. It's a very powerful piece of music and the young men quickly rolled up their windows and quieted down while she squealed her tires as the light turned green. Ahhh, she was so funny. She'd always sing this little song that I find myself humming when I feel lonely or in need of a pick-me-up, or she's sing Memories, from the musical Cats.

The last time I saw her, I brought my boyfriend to meet her for a small vacation. We got to her house early and knocked on the door. She answered the door naked! Then made a few strange noises and literally threw her Christmas lights at us to hang outside for her while she got dressed. I guess she felt bad afterwards because she took us shopping at the Navy base. She made my BF at the time pick out his favorite beer and bought both of us a carton of cigarettes. When we got back to her house, we had ourselves a little party. I never thought I'd get drunk with my grandma but she out drank me (which isn't saying much) and BF. I slept in the next day and woke up to find her and BF sitting at the table, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee like they have known each other forever.
She loved the Cubs and now I can't help but cheer for them too. She always left a lipstick mark on us when she kissed us hello in one of her 3 signature colors. She took Big Sis (and me, a few years later) to get our ears pierced. She had a Finnish flag on her car and one of those little licence plate signs that said, "Sisu" (Finnish translation). She could cook a mean pot roast and apple fritters.
I can't control myself right and I have to end this blog here. Super is antsy and I can't type through the tears. I'm going to miss her until I see her again in the next life.

1 comment:

simplyso said...

She was a pretty cool lady, my mama, I have to give her that! I'm so glad you have those memories with her. It will indeed be an interesting reunion!!!